Yes! You read that right. We are doing a bi-game event with 2 different gaming competitions combined together to make one extraordinary tournament that will be epic and fun.
This open competition will feature both Chess and Super Smash. There will be chess boards setup as well as online chess available for players, along with Switches for the Super Smash portion. There will be cash payouts for the top 3 players.
Event Details:
- Friday 10-18-24 – Open practice starts at 5pm with the first round kicking off by 6pm
- Total Entry = $15 – Venue fee-$7.50 / Bracket fee-$7.50 (This is for the pot for the top 3 players and will also receive medals.)
- Payout is generally as follows: 1st – 60%, 2nd – 30%, 3rd – 10%
- The stream will be on twitch.tv/yesgaminggym or youtube.com/yesgaminggym or kick.com/yesgaming –
- VODs will be uploaded to YES! Gaming Gym on Youtube after the stream ends.
- Registration Online: You can go to Start.gg now to register for this event. There will be walk-ins- on the day of the event but it helps to know how many players will be joining.
Game play:
You’ll play 2 minutes of Smash and then play 2 minutes of Chess you’ll keep doing this until someone gets checkmate or wins the Smash set, sets will be Bo5 throughout the entire tournament. Players will play RPS at the beginning of the set. The winner of RPS will ban 1 stage from the starter stages. The RPS loser will ban 2 stages from the starter stages. The winner will pick a stage from the remaining starter stages. STARTERS: Small Battlefield, Battlefield, Smashville, Town & City, and Pokémon Stadium 2 COUNTERPICKS: Kalos Pokémon League, Final Destination, and Hollow Bastion
After all following games, the winner of the game will ban 3 stages from the full stagelist (Starters + Counterpicks) and the loser of the game will choose from the remaining stages. There is DSR for this tournament. When the timer goes off you’ll press the home button and then play Chess and when the timer is done for Chess you’ll press the home button and in Smash both players will reset to neutral regardless of both players position. The Chess games will either happen on Chess.com or on a Chess board, just depends on what both players would rather do. If both players wish to have their game take place on a board and none are available you can wait to start until a board opens up.