You think your Valorant squad is ready for competition. Bring your best to YES! Gaming on the last Sunday of April for our 6-team double elimination YES! Valorant Open tournament. This event is for both squads if you already have a team, as well as individual free agents. Depending on numbers, you can either group up to form a new team or get recruited to an existing squad if they need a member. If you want to sign-up your squad, but not sure if your full team will make it, no worries, we will have some free agents to pull from.
This open tournament will be double elimination so everyone who enters will play at least 2 matches. Each participant needs to register with a maximum of 30 players forming a total of 6 teams of 5 players each. This tournament will begin promptly at 11am and should last 4-5 hours depending on match-ups. Registration for each player in the tournament will be $25, which includes playing time on machines, prize money, and one free gaming session to use any time. The winning squad will earn $250 in prize money as a team, plus each play will earn 10 hours of playing time at YES! Gaming, as well as NFT digital player card exclusively from YES! Gaming that they can add to their digital wallet.
Tournament placements
- 1st Place = $250 total team prize money + 10 hours of play time for each player + exclusive YES! Gaming NFT player card
- 2nd Place = $50 total team prize money + 5 hours of play time for each player
- 3rd Place = $25 total team prize money + 3 hours of play time for each player
There will be 1 sign-up form available. Players need to select if they want to be on a squad, and if so, what is the name of the team, or individual and provide a player skill level or rank for teams to evaluate. This will be a good chance for players to get recruited, network with other players, and help players gauge their current skill level. Valorant is currently played in most Esports programs, including local high schools and colleges.
Rules for play along with brackets will be posted soon. You can join the YES! Gaming discord for more up to minute information and help regarding registration. Top two seeded teams will get bye the first round. Each team will be play 2 matches regardless of the outcome in the first match.
For rules and details on the event, along with bracket seeding and match times, join our Discord and see the Valorant channel. You can also see the live bracket on Challonge.